Thursday 9 September 2010



To “Generate” or not to “Generate” information is not the question. The real question is how to harnest the power of Technology (ICT) to meet the challenges of the 21st century and make live relevant, responsive and effective for any one, anywhere and anytime.
Information industry refers to those industries producing information goods and services. Information industries today is in the early stages of momentous transformation. Historically, the industries has been organized on the basis of information foams, companies within the industries tended to focus on business opportunities related to a single form of information, such as voice , text, image, audio/video or data.
Traditional definition of information industries
Information industries have traditionally defined in terms of the foam of information for two important reasons. first the under lying technologies for handling each type of information have been vastly different in the past, and each technology could not handle other foams of information. Second, the government has actively constrained many information base companies from entering other types of information businesses.
A paradigm shift: the new information industry
Information technology today is moving toward electronic and digitalization. The structure transformation f the information industry has become inevitable.
Industry structure is drive by the definition and extension of certain core competencies. A critical core competence for most companies is a mastery of the enabling technologies that help them create, produce and distribute their product and services. However, digitalization transforms all content to the same base unit. Now it is no longer logical to integrate each industry vertically by the form of the content. The convergence and transformation in technologies lead to all information companies now harness essentially the same technologically for effective and efficient outcome, where we work, play and live.

Information function/information content industry . Information function relate what people do with information i.e create, display, store, process and distribute.
Content is the driver behind all the information industries. Network evolved to deliver increasingly rich content, eventually full broad band multimedia. Similarly appliance must advance to display content in color, full video and high fidelity stereo. The expense of this advancement will rationally by the content they carry and display.
The functional based companies of the future
The extra ordinary advance have occurred over the fast decade and continuing at a break neck pace in digital electronic. Coupled with the change now from narrow band information transmission to broad band communication and from manual to digital electronic technology. The information oriented business will sooner recognize themselves into the three broad groups
- Creation /collection of diverse types of information content
- Engaged in various mode of information transport
- Manufacture of wide variety of information appliances
to succeed in the new environment, companies must learn how to operate on a global scale.
Acquisition /Alliance
Mergers and acquisition can drive synergies that benefit the clients and industry standard. In which It lead to create new generation of product and services that provide superior navigation and powerful content integration , that can compite in today marketing environment.
The thirty two pages study guide on new information industry provide us with an in-depth examination of information industries which includes; form base information industry of the past, the technology of the convergence and digitalization, the sociology of convergence and the new information functionally based companies of the future etc. in order to understand the dynamics of the information industry, problem, processing and future direction.

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