Monday 20 September 2010


REG NO: MIM/EDUC/4182/2009-2010
This paper, critically gives an overview of the various technological advancement in information industry from inception to date. It also provides insight into the future and how it will be utilized for technological advancement and economic gains to the world in general.
Information industry was said to comprise of the following: collecting, creating, storage, processing, automation and display. This information was created and displayed in the following format: text, voice, image, video and audio which form collection of information called data.
The recent technology advancement leads to the reduction of the major industries from five (Voice, Text, Image, Audio/Video and Data) to three (Digital Content, Multimedia Devices and Convergent Networks). Of the three new industries, digital content is the most developed while entertainment and publishing industries will both dominate content delivery on a global scale.It is expected that, when the information industry realigns itself based on its capabilities, dominant players will be from entertainment, consumer electronic, personal computer and communication industries. Information Transport (which will succeed today’s Telecommunication Industry), public telephone networks, the internet, wireless networks, cable TV, broadcast media and private networks will be consolidated whereas consumer electronics companies and Personal Computer manufacturers will converge into the Information Appliances Industry.
The major players focus on the business side of information industry. The recent trend is digitalization of the various format of information. There has also being a transformation on the band used, which moved from the usual narrow band information transmitters to broadband information transmitters, that allows for mass communication and also less bandwidth cost with high speed.
The new technological advancement will lead to three major industries: industry involves with collection and creation of information, industries that deals with the manufacturing of variety of information appliances and industries that are responsible for transporting information as earlier highlighted.
This paper gives an insight to the transformation that took place in information industry. This transformation are majorly adopted and utilized by the developed countries like United State of America and it has help to transform their economy, while a lot of developing countries are still lagging behind and have a long way to go.
To be successful in the new online information industry, there must be proper planning and control measures in place that will allow for integration and convergence of ideas that can be adapted to the various hardware and software being produced.
It is also worthy of note that the country that invest so much on information technology and has good technical knowhow will have a better economy.
This paper has room for improvement and suitable references were not cited for reference purposes.

Friday 17 September 2010

Summary and Critics of 'The New Information Industry material'




Summary and Critics of 'The New Information Industry material'

The new information industry

The united state of America which has the strongest economic power in the world as a result of her effective utilization of information technology which goes an extra mile in then immerses contribution to every sphere of their economy

The usefulness of information industry and technology in our day to day running activities makes the disadvantages to be less important.

Too many information can be put into a single and convertible format which can be transferred by the use of a network


Significantly the new information industry is still in an infantry stage and is of high importance to every sphere of developing sector of the global economy of the developed countries.

It will be on the high side that the countries who want to embrace this trend have to put in substantial amount to enable the country brace up with the challenges and if such cannot be met it becomes a dead dream to less developed countries.

Having seen clearly, the importance of the new information industry it is discovered that if it is fully embraced it will go an extra mile to standardize the living standard of the citizens.

Knowing that the new information industry as turned the whole world into a global village in terms of communication network on internet connectivity it is still obvious that there are some enormous challenges which are seen as a setback of this super high way information in the area of changing nature of the system because the technology of today May likely not to be useful tomorrow because the new technology.

In the final analysis the advantages of new information industry goes a long way to better the life of the people in a considerable standard but we cannot rule out the danger it has caused the whole in terms invasion of secrecy, it involves more money and the users have to be technological well equipped which is not foreseeable in the third world country. Much as we know that if one is not connected to the internet, one is cut off from the global world though it is still expensive to maintain.  

Thursday 16 September 2010

Summary of 'New Information Industry material'




Information and Communication once carried on by small enterprises which lived in an atmosphere of craft rather than industrial production is today an important industry which bulks large in the economy of any nation, in terms of plant, employment and requirements for capital. This holds true in countries with market or centrally-planned economies, and whether the economy as whole is a big or a small one.

The information industry today is in the early stages momentous transformation. Historically industry has been organized on the basis of information form; companies within the industry tended to focus on business opportunities related to a single form of information, these includes, Voice, Text, Image Audio/Video or Data.

The article also strengthens that information-intensive approaches will replace physical assets and physical actions as well some selected areas such as Education, Health Care and entertainment. The dream of a convergent information industry is straightforward and unparalleled the creation of a national eventually global electronic communications network that directly links individuals and different organizations to everyone else.

Even though, an Information industries have traditionally been defined in terms of the form of information, for two most important reasons. Firstly, the essential technologies for handling each type of information have been greatly varied in the past, and each technology could not handle other sorts of information. Secondly, the government has actively constrained many information-based companies from entering other types of information businesses. All information companies now harness essentially the same technologies; and these technologies are rapidly becoming multimedia.

Therefore, the underlying logic by which companies participate in the information industry must reflect this new reality. With the rapidity of technological change in the information industry, the importance of research and development has never been greater. Technological breakthroughs will be crucial both the basic as well as the applied levels.

In terms of competitions globally, the information industry will require access to some considerable amount of capital. Obtaining it will require tapping global capital markets as well as sources such as the World Bank and so on. Companies must invest in upgrading and maintaining their human capital, also all companies in the industry must keep a focus on the customer’s customer that is the ultimate end user. Neglecting such a discipline, product-development efforts will surely fail. Therefore, end users provide the volume and velocity needed achieved required price/performance ratios.


If individuals are to play their part as responsible citizens in the community at the local, national and even international level they must be adequately informed, possessing sufficient facts on which to base rational judgments and select courses of action. A full understanding of the events and issues which affect individuals can be attained only by the simultaneous supply of a variety, even controversial if necessary, of background data, information and facts through an accessible means.

The information-based businesses are becoming increasingly crucial to our commercial and social lives, insufficiencies in the information market place are becoming less tolerable and according to the article, the contemporary information industry is characterize by; significant waste of economic and ecological resources, inadequate matching of information content with the needs of the recipients, Severe Time and place constraints on information access and availability, Cumbersome and expensive physical infrastructures for information distribution and Inefficient information distribution.

The article physically encourages cost effectiveness and capitalism as well, the convergence and globalization promotes capitalism and support capitalist ideology by in information and communication industry.

Similarly, in terms of authenticity of the information sources some references are not genuine to support the points at hand; this will enhance further research and analysis.

Wednesday 15 September 2010



Today, information industry is becoming more significant in the role of individual, organization, business and the society at large. Historically, the industry has been organized on the basis of information; companies within the industry tended to focus on business opportunities related to a single form of information, such as voice, text, image, audio/video, or data. Information industries with the use of technological equipment have occasioned a major paradigm shift in the information industry as well as the communication and technological development.
The future prospect of the information industry
 Creation and collection of diverse types of information content
 Manufactured of a wide variety of information appliances
 Organizer and transporter of information.
The vision of the information industry is the creation of a national eventually global electronic communications network that connects people and organizations to everyone else.
The technologies that will help to advance information environment are hardware, software, fiber optics, and microprocessor using the computer, telecommunication and other digital equipment.

Base on the proliferations of technologies such as internet for searching, accessing, processing and transmitting information industries or business are becoming increasingly crucial to our commercial and social lives, thereby making information market place insufficient and inefficient. There are significant wastes of economic and ecological resources, inadequate matching of information content with the needs of the recipients, service time and place constraints on information access and availability insufficient information distribution and cumbersome and expensive physical infrastructures for information distribution.

Traditionally, information industry has been viewed as consisting of three elements such as: computing, office technology and telecommunication. However, putting it in a broader way entails five basic form; such as voice, text, image, audio/video and data. The broader definition is more encompassing and more proactive in the delivery of information in a sophisticated and digital way.
Information is the life wire of every industry. Every organization relies on information for timely and effective decision making. Information conation the following: creation (ideation of message) display, storage, processing and transporting the message ideated.
Digitization involves the process of making non-digitally created materials available in digital format with digitalization, all the media become translatable into each other computer bits migrate merrily and they escape from their traditional means of transmission.

Communication is of paramount importance in the improvement of new information industry. When similar improvements are created in the price/performance ration of bandwidth, paralled shifts in the communications industry are inevitable. Through improvements in technology, computer speeds will raise about a hundred fold, while bandwidth increases a thousand folds or more.

The sociological implications of an interactive broadband communications infrastructure are not yet fully understood but will undoubtedly be profound. This interactive broadband technology will cause the most dramatic shift in behavioural patterns since the introduction of the automobile, it will affect how people shop, socialize, are entertained, conduct business and handle finances. It is obvious that sociological implication will ultimately drive the industry.
The new information industry there is a paradigm shift in every fabric with the new information industry in the information technology. With information technology moving toward electronics and digitization, the structural transformation of the information industry has become inevitable. The new information industry now harness essentially by the same technologies are rapidly becoming multimedia thereby bringing transformation. The transformation results in three major industries. They include digitized content, multimedia devices and convergent networks.
The impact of the information industry will be pervasive throughout other industries, given the extent to which electronic technologies can fuse with other technologies.

Owning to the resent technology, the new information industry is relatively digitalized for entertainment, consumer electronics, personal computer and communications industries. However, a consolidation will continue between the entertainment industries on a global basis. The agitations among users of information are “where today’s computing industry will be and what will it take to succeed” virtually, computing will be diffused with distributed memory and processing. Thus, the computer industry as we know it today will no longer exist. Rather than down streaming into products, the computer industry will go further upstream to focus on creating superior raw materials. To succeed, there is a great need for anticipatory management. This will help managers align their companies with the direction in which the industry is heading and when possible, in front of the trend. A clear vision plan and strategic game of the future is required and understanding. More emphasis on global orientation, managing geopolitical dynamics, flexibility, speed and productivity, alliances and partnering, quality obsession, mass customization, breakthrough innovation, access to capital, investment in human capital and end-user focus will help to achieve success. Adopting all orientations require that companies make specific types of investment.
In conclusion, the new information industry is of paramount importance in this contemporary trend. There is societal benefits as well as new products and services and have new jobs. Also, there will be convergence of information industries. This is because the technological and business imperative are compelling. The agitation is who will build it, when it will happen or what applications will prove the most popular.

First, a work like this has to be appreciated within this context. Information is seen as the life wire of this contemporary trend. The new information industry is basically the bedrock to every fabric of the society. This work has it functionally role in building information industry in any part of the country.
The research taken form various aspect for a successful new information industry added a remarkable entrance to the work.

The new information industry in criticizing this paper, there are two things to be considered. Thus the content or the message of the page and the form or packaging of the paper.
The paper critically explains the relevance of the new information industry in the digital age. Regards to the digital age as well as competitive business environment, information is of paramount significance to business environment. The writer tends to explain the basic need of the information in the information industry.
The future prospects of the industry such as the creation and collection of diverse types of information, manufactural of a wide variety of information appliances and the organization and transportation of information.
Also, the writer spelt out the vision, mission of the new information. He itemized the technologies that will help to advance software, fiber optics and micro process.

Though the paper critically analysis the significant role of the new information industry, it fails to address the issue; the major appliance that will sustain the new industry for effective use. The erratic power supply in the country is of course a nightmare to the establishment of new information industries.
Also, information professionals that will help to harness the equipment or digital facilities were not mentioned.
New information industry in a bid to be substantial, effective and pivactive in the service of information delivery must need the services of information professionals. This however, includes: librarians, computer analysts, journalist or communicator, or technologist etc

Tuesday 14 September 2010


Name: saidu mujitaba baure MIM/Educ33603/2009-2010
Course: Online Information Industry
Course code: LIBS 883
Summary of the article: the new information industry
The new information industry is expected to make significant contribution to the economic vitality and overall well been of the nation, and the quality of life of it citizen.
The article indicate the fact that the united state information industry is in the period of transition and transformation
While it is true that encouraging trends have emerged for some years, discrepancy between development levels in Africa, and more particularly in the least developed countries and the level affirmed in the rest of the world has widened in the field of ICT.
The information industry is mostly concern with the business opportunities related to Voice, image, text, and audio. The articles sleeked to explain the need for the transformation of the information industry because today, most scholarly information are been produce in digital form.

The articles explained that the information industry has been steady for many years and we don’t see this grammatically changing anytime soon.
The information industry firms serving financial services are feeling some pain from the economy doubly, so it they are operating with absolute business or delivery models. Thus, while in new information has certain cycles, it is relatively stable as a whole because of it portfolio nature.
The paper highlights “it is not unreasonable to envisage a situation where in future all scholars, communication will be entirely in electronic format. For most scholars, journals, the transition away from the print format and to an exclusive reliance from the electronic version seems all but inevitable.
Criticism/ comment
1. the article is out dated due to the fact that the transformation in the information industry has all ready begun.
2. African countries are clearly not preparing for such eventualities of the transformation. Whilst the whole world is steering to keep ahead of the digital environment, the continent has still not moved any further in preparing for Africans knowledge resources in the digital era. Most of the higher institution of learning are still largely dependent on print resources in accessing knowledge resources, the situation based on my findings is similar in other African countries. This trend is likely to continue to the extent that countries and institutions that are not taking preparatory measures today in handling the situation will be left out in accessing knowledge resources that are in electronic form, whenever the print form is no longer available to them.

3. transformation of the information industry is supported by Noruzi (2004) where he revised the five rules of Librarianship in the context of what they will mean for information provision in today’s digital environment
web resources are for use :
every user his or her web resources.
Every web resources it user.
Save the time of the user
The web resources is a growing organism

Sunday 12 September 2010


Linda Kyana Maisamari
Online Information Industry (Libs883) Assignment

The world continues to experience high tech devices that have brought about the use of electronic systems and computers for storing, analyzing, retrieving and utilizing information, making resources like newspapers, local phone directories, pre scheduled broadcast of television and radio programs, books, movies, videotapes and soft wares inefficient in the information industry and media.
The new information industry is basically an international network of computers connecting other networks and computers from universities, industries, using internet access and search tools like directory search tool for subject search ,search engine tool which searches information using keywords and responds with a list of references , and meta-engine searches like meta crawler to perform searches on the web which comprises of stored information called database linked to other databases at other websites.
Mergers and Alliances combine two or more organizations to form a single one allowing their differences gradually disappearing so that it is impossible to separate them. The act of joining two or more companies, organizations, businesses into one is massive and continuing to grow rapidly.
The information industry today, is basically content creation and collection, display using various devices, storage in memory devices, processing using applications and distribution using various means of transportation. This worldwide information-centered business exceeds one trillion dollars annually.
Traditionally information industry is viewed in the aspects of computing which deals with information storage and processing; office technologies dealing with task automation and information creation and display; telecommunication dealing with sending signals, images and messages over long distances by radio, telephone, television, satellite etc. Information industries exists in voice which deals with telecommunication, text which deals with publishing, images which deals with photography, audio/video deals with entertainment, and data which deals with computing.
In those days, information was created, stored, manipulated, and transformed by its form. Textual information existed mostly in hard copy or metallic templates used by printers to make copies. Audio information existed as analog waveform captured on vinyl or magnetic tape. Still and moving images were rendered in chemical form, later on moved to analog form through the development of video technology. Only computer based information existed as precise digital data.
With digitization, all of the media become translatable using a system of receiving and sending information as a series of the numbers one and zeros, showing that an electronic signal is there or is not there. As more content is digitized, the computer virtualizes it and liberates it from the shackles of it previous medium. The paradigm shift that pushed the power of computer to the desktop, advances in smaller and electronic storage which have made laptop computers more powerful than mainframes were in the early 1980’s.The key developments in computing includes processing, data storage, miniaturization of component technologies, display and software which is easier to use and versatile.
The resulting shifts from centralized to distributed processing created a paradigm shift in the computer industry. When similar improvements are created in the price or performance ratio band with, parallel shifts in the communication industry are inevitable.

The growth in internet use created the demand for more bandwidth to the residential market place. For developed countries it will foster a higher degree of cross-cultural exchange as global communications and transactions become highly facile. Developing economies will benefit greatly from the affordability that comes with volumes; deploying this technology once the costs have come down will provide great economic development benefits. The new information industry will transform to digitized content, multimedia devices and convergent networks.

Information industries are considered important for several distinctive reasons. Even among the experts who think information industries are important, disagreements may exist regarding which reason to accept and which to reject. First information industries are rapidly growing part of the economy, but not fast enough to cover the declines in print advertising. To thrive, information companies need to convince advertisers to pay much higher rates to user who value their time at tens or hundreds of dollars an hour lingering on information websites for perhaps half an hour everyday and they are not just channel flicking, “they’re engaged”. People may give up newspaper habit, but their appetite for information is growing.
The report does not account for the inherently unpredictable, like some new technology coming along and opening the entire industry. It is possible to say with great prediction what the industry will look like in 2015. Yet whatever the actual numbers it’s hard to think of a scenario which technology becomes substantially more attractive than they are now. The rise of notebooks and tablets proves that for many tasks, consumers are ok with sacrificing power in favor of portability. In the future most of the power in our computer will come from the internet. You probably won’t need to store or edit your music, movies, and other files locally for long. But in Nigeria we are not getting better wireless network drives and internet based storage systems where all media will reside in a central location ‘in house or some far-off server farm’ accessible to all. The annals of technology are littered with better things that we abandon in favor of more convenient things. We dropped vinyl in favor of CDs, and then dropped CDs in favor of MP3s, even though each technology offered lower audio fidelity than the previous one. In this way, the shift to portable machines fits lager social trends. More people want to work from home and more businesses are allowing them to do so. Laptops, notebooks, and tablets fit into that life style. DESKTOPS DON’T.
At the moment our computing life is scattered. There is little continuity as you shift from laptop to a tablet to a smart phone to a desktop; each device has different applications, access to different sets of data and a different screen configuration but this paper is basically related to developed countries without considering the challenges faced by developing countries like Nigeria.

Friday 10 September 2010

The New Information Industry

:Summary of "The New Information Industry" and Review
:By Aaron Williams.

1. Executive summary

United State has risen to become the most competitive economic power in the world largely as a result of its superior exploitation and integration of information technology which impacted enormously in every significant sector of its economy Hence the justification for the huge investment in information technology which is one sixth of the country’s gross domestic product(GDP).

2. Introduction

In the near future two major forces name technological and economic forces; the later triggered by the former will transform our lives drastically and realign today’s information industry as we know.

3. The Inefficient Information Industry

Because of the relevance and impact of the information industry and technology in our lives and businesses, inefficiencies in this industry is becoming less tolerable.

4. The Vision

The different forms of information will converge into a single but convertible form which can be transported within a convergent or unified single global network.

5. An Avalanche of Mergers and Alliances

Because of the convergence of the different forms of information, the companies that earlier existed base on the forms of information will have to align and merge in other to remain relevant and support the new convergent trend in information.

6. The Information Industry Today

The definition of today’s information industry which is in terms of three elements namely Computing, Office Technology and Telecommunication will become insufficient and it limit the power of the industry as a result of the blurring of the differences between the forms of information which can sufficient be define in terms five elements namely Create and Collection of Content, Display Devices, Storage Devices, Processing and Transportation.

7. The Form- Based Information Industries of the past

The information industries in the past were base on the forms of information namely text,Images,Voice,Audio/Video, Data primary because of the technology at that time for handling the forms of information were different and not applicable to other forms other than the one they are made for and secondly because of government regulations limiting then to different form of information.

8. Information Functions

What people do with information or it functions are content creation and collection, Display, Storage, processing and distribution or transportation.

9. The Technology of Convergence and Digitazation

The reason while different forms of information can converge into a single form is because they can be converted into digital form that is in terms of 0’s and 1’s and then converted back to their original form.

10. Breakthrough in Computing Technology

The advent of microprocessor and advancement in miniaturization, storage, display and software have made today’s computer powerful than mainframes.

11. Breakthrough in Telecommunication

Reduced hardware cost and almost free unlimited bandwidth will unleash a near infinite power of processing by computers as it relates to telecommunication.

12. The Sociology of Convergent

Just as Technology that made it possible to combine different forms of information is impacting on the information industries so will the social implication of this technology that is the acceptability or otherwise of these technologies will determine it enormous impact in the information industry.

13. A Paradigm shift: The new Information Industry

Information forms will be digitalized and companies in the industry will be base on three main category namely: Information content, appliances and Transport.

14. Where Today’s computing Industry will be

Computing will be diffused into distributed memory and processing consisting of three critical ingredients namely memory, processing and software based manipulation.

15. What will it take to succeed?

It will take alliance formation, specialization, investment and integration of multiple complex technologies.

Review of the New Information Industry.

The information industry though still in it premature stage will be of great significance to every major sector of developing and developed economies of the globe. Countries that seek to develop and to remain competitive in the global economy will have to invest substantial part of its gross domestic product on information infrastructure and build a sizable human capacity to effectively and efficiently exploit and integrate information technology into every aspect of its economy.

Future economic boom and increase in standard of leaving will be triggered by advancements in information technologies managed by activities of information industries and innovations which will become more efficient and reliable.

Because information handling in the future will be digitalized there by making information accessibility and distribution efficient and effective, most of our day to day activities and business transactions will be with the use of information technologies which will solve virtually all our demands because of the enormous increase of computing power precipitated by advance micro processor and memory technology and almost free unlimited bandwidth supported by a single unified global network where what use to be an international transaction will become like every other local transactions. A global village the whole world had become.

The economies of the world will increasingly integrate with each other and mergers and alliances of companies will take place to provide and support services that will transcend boundaries. Hence the need for our nation Nigeria to increase its investment and implement laudable policies in information Technology that will guarantee us a place in the comity of nations.

NAME: Nzurum, Iheanacho Okezie
REG. No: MIM/EDUC/4234/2009-2010
TITLE: The New Information Industry

It is worthy of note that today’s information industry has shifted focus away single form and in the next ten to fifteen years information oriented businesses would reorganize themselves into three groups -(a) players involved in creation of information content, (b) Those involved in manufacture of information appliances and (c) Those engaged in information transport . These changes would be brought about by technological changes and economic forces which will lead to unprecedented sociological changes. Thus to succeed, companies must learn to operate on a global scale.
It is also projected that information-intensive approaches will replace physical assets and actions in diverse areas.
Today, the information industry is inefficient owing to economic/ecological resources’ waste, exclusion of a large portion of the target market, the use of cumbersome/expensive media of information distribution, inefficient information distribution as well as inadequate matching of information content with the needs of recipients. However, the future projection is one of information industry convergence, such that instant access to virtually any information from anywhere would be possible. Already, players in the industry have begun to merge with, as well as acquire others in a bid to remain relevant. The technological lines existing between the three traditional elements of the information industry (Computing, Office technologies and Telecommunications) are gradually fading away.
Currently, information exists in five basic forms which (in order of emergence) are; Text, Images, Voice, Audio/Video and Data. However, all five forms mentioned are all trending towards digitization. Their convergence has been driven by the diffusion of digital technology into information businesses. In essence, the underlying technologies and regulatory assumptions governing the separation of these industries by form have been rendered obsolete.
To date, information functions in the industry are determined by people who create, display, store, process or disseminate/transport information.
Key developments to date in computing include the following: a) Migration towards more powerful yet smaller and less expensive processors, b) Emergence of Data Storage of greater capacity which provide for easy access at lower cost (e.g. the advent of DVD-ROM as compared to older CD-ROM technology), c) The great size reduction of component technologies, d) Improvement in display technology and e) Ease of use and versatility of software (e.g. the use of Object-oriented programming languages).
It is also worthy of note that breakthroughs in communication technology have brought about significant changes like lower bandwidth costs and the marked improvement in computing speeds. Although the primary focus of convergence industries to date has been on the technologies that make it possible to combine different forms of information, sociological implications will drive the industry (like the explosion of the Internet). In all, convergence will bring about great economic development.
A look at the new information industry will show that all players harness essentially the same technologies which are rapidly becoming multimedia. It is expected that mergers and take-overs will continue as information industries try to position themselves for the future. The final result would be the reduction of the major industries from five (Voice, Text, Image, Audio/Video and Data) to three (Digital Content, Multimedia Devices and Convergent Networks). Of these three new industries, digital content is the most developed and it is expected that the entertainment and publishing industries will both dominate content delivery on a global scale.
The prediction is that when the information industry realigns itself based on functional capabilities, dominant players will be from entertainment, consumer electronic, and personal computer and communication industries. And for Information Transport (which will succeed today’s Telecommunication Industry), public telephone networks, the internet, wireless networks, cable TV, broadcast media and private networks will be consolidated whereas consumer electronics companies and PC manufacturers will converge into the Information Appliances Industry.
Critical success factors include a clear vision of the future, global orientation, flexibility/speed/productivity, investment in human capital, end-user focus, quality obsession, breakthrough innovation, mass customization, partnering and access to capital.

It is an established fact that the information industry has been growing fairly constantly over the years. In recent times, information industries have stood to gain greater revenue from online delivery and this has been a major driving force for companies.
While it is evident that mergers and acquisitions will continue to shape the future of the online information industry, information producers must critically consider the propensities of their consumers (users) and how best to engage them in ways that work for them and their community. As yet, technology is yet to get many parts of the world and there is no promise that this can happen anytime soon. Information industries in these areas can be expected to take a much longer path towards embracing any form of revolution.

Thursday 9 September 2010



To “Generate” or not to “Generate” information is not the question. The real question is how to harnest the power of Technology (ICT) to meet the challenges of the 21st century and make live relevant, responsive and effective for any one, anywhere and anytime.
Information industry refers to those industries producing information goods and services. Information industries today is in the early stages of momentous transformation. Historically, the industries has been organized on the basis of information foams, companies within the industries tended to focus on business opportunities related to a single form of information, such as voice , text, image, audio/video or data.
Traditional definition of information industries
Information industries have traditionally defined in terms of the foam of information for two important reasons. first the under lying technologies for handling each type of information have been vastly different in the past, and each technology could not handle other foams of information. Second, the government has actively constrained many information base companies from entering other types of information businesses.
A paradigm shift: the new information industry
Information technology today is moving toward electronic and digitalization. The structure transformation f the information industry has become inevitable.
Industry structure is drive by the definition and extension of certain core competencies. A critical core competence for most companies is a mastery of the enabling technologies that help them create, produce and distribute their product and services. However, digitalization transforms all content to the same base unit. Now it is no longer logical to integrate each industry vertically by the form of the content. The convergence and transformation in technologies lead to all information companies now harness essentially the same technologically for effective and efficient outcome, where we work, play and live.

Information function/information content industry . Information function relate what people do with information i.e create, display, store, process and distribute.
Content is the driver behind all the information industries. Network evolved to deliver increasingly rich content, eventually full broad band multimedia. Similarly appliance must advance to display content in color, full video and high fidelity stereo. The expense of this advancement will rationally by the content they carry and display.
The functional based companies of the future
The extra ordinary advance have occurred over the fast decade and continuing at a break neck pace in digital electronic. Coupled with the change now from narrow band information transmission to broad band communication and from manual to digital electronic technology. The information oriented business will sooner recognize themselves into the three broad groups
- Creation /collection of diverse types of information content
- Engaged in various mode of information transport
- Manufacture of wide variety of information appliances
to succeed in the new environment, companies must learn how to operate on a global scale.
Acquisition /Alliance
Mergers and acquisition can drive synergies that benefit the clients and industry standard. In which It lead to create new generation of product and services that provide superior navigation and powerful content integration , that can compite in today marketing environment.
The thirty two pages study guide on new information industry provide us with an in-depth examination of information industries which includes; form base information industry of the past, the technology of the convergence and digitalization, the sociology of convergence and the new information functionally based companies of the future etc. in order to understand the dynamics of the information industry, problem, processing and future direction.



REG NO: MIM/EDUC/6787/2009-2010



The information industries are in the stage of transformation. Before now, industries were organized on the basis of information form; companies tended to focus on business opportunities related to a single form of information such as voice, text, image, audio/video or data. But extra ordinary advances have occurred over the past two decades and are continuing at a break-neck pace in digital electronics.

Information based businesses are becoming increasingly crucial to commercial and social lives, as such inefficiencies in the information market place are becoming less tolerable. The vision therefore is that of a convergent information industry which will eventually create global economic communication network that links people and organizations to everyone else.

To accomplish this, there is beginning to exist an avalanche of mergers and alliances. This merger not only represents a belief by corporate titans in the virtues of scale and vertical integration. They also represent stakes on how the industry will evolve. What pushes convergence of different forms of information is technological change, primarily, the rapid flow of digital technology into an ever wider group of information technology businesses.

To add verve to the impending new information age, the advent of the micro processor introduced a paradigm shift that pushed the power of the computer to the desktop.

Further developments, in miniaturization and electric storage may have made laptop computers more powerful than mainframes, while computing power and affordability are expanding at a dramatic rate; they are doing so in a relatively steady fashion. On the other hand, advances in telecommunication promises a greater change of a sporadic nature which will in the near future see an explosion of bandwidth that will dwarf anything seen in the past.

It is important to mention the sociology of convergence as sociological implication will ultimately drive the IT industry. This is most clearly illustrated by the explosion of the internet. The sociological implications of an interactive broadband communications infrastructure are not yet fully understood but will undoubtedly be profound. This interactive broadband technology will cause the most dramatic shift in behavioral patterns, since the introduction of automobile. It will affect how people shop, socialize, are entertained, conduct business and handle finances, with information technology moving towards electronics and digitization.

It is being postulated that when the industry realigns based on functional capabilities, the dominant players world wide will very likely be from the entertainment, consumer electronics, personal computer and communication industries.

Todays computing industry will be eventually diffused with distributed memory and processing through miniaturization and electronic networks, these capabilities will get diffused to the point that traditional stand-alone computers will be unnecessary. However many new services will certainly emerge. The convergence of information will ensue because technological and business imperatives are compelling. What is not cast in stone is exactly who will lead the revolution. Interesting times are ahead of us.


Some of the futuristic gigantic transformation discussed in this paper has already been deployed. The convergence in the information industries is apparent as technological and business imperatives have occasioned its birth. Back in 2009, Nigeria Communication Commission (NCC) announced the convergence era in the communication industry in Nigeria. This has seen the telecommunication operators use any compatible technology to deploy their services in the Nigerian market. The changes to be expected in the socio-economic world as a result of the paradigm shift in IT industry are highlighted in this paper.

However the paper needs to be updated to capture the present convergence technology being used in the information technology industries.

Finally, this paper does not have references to aid further reading and research on the topic in discuss.


REG. NO : MIM/EDUC/3720/2009/2010
The new information grows fairly consistently like a portfolio of securities because it is made up of different segments. The industry has been organized on the bases of information forms, companies within the industry tended to focus in business opportunities related to a single form of information such as, voice text, image, audios/videos or data.
The digital electronics has been the dominant technology for every existing information base business, a  realignment broader information industry has become inevitable.
It is mandatory for information industries to learn how to operate on a global scale, partners with others, create break through service.
There is certainly every indication that in the next ten to fifteen years, the world will undergo one of histories greatest technological transformation as the information.  “ mega- industry” undergoes a rapid and fundamental transformation.
The information industry is today characterized by significant waste of economic and ecological resources, in adequate matching of information, content with the needs of the recipient, severe time and place constraint on the information access and availability, cumbersome and expensive, physical infrastructure for information distribution and in efficient information distribution.
The writer explain s the composition of the information industry as content( creation and collection), display(devices), store(memory devices), process(applications), distribution(transport).
The structural transformation of the information industry have become inevitable in the sense a critical core competence for most companies is a mastery of the enabling technologies that help them to create, produce and distribute their product and services.
The underline principle of vertical integration of these industries around the form of the content was logical.
The impact of the information industry will be pervasive through out other industries, given the extent to which the transformation has commended evidence is the fact that Americans now spend over a trillion dollars a year on information related goods and services.
it is important to consider the overall value chain in the information industry, it is growing competitiveness between organizations has become evident.
The information industry is suppose to help organizations to recognized improved competitive advantage within the industry it resides and generate superior performance at greater value.
the information industry is increasingly entering a period of constant change, there will be a bright future for the industry once the information professionals are prepared and capable to add value to the process, but as long as information professionals keep to the attitude that “this information and communication technology (ICT) stuff is not really over thing” the future effort of information transformation is bound to fail.