Wednesday 13 August 2008


These websites are not working properly in Nigeria even though online services are dotted here and there in the country.

Poor internet infrastructure is another problem affecting online services in Nigeria.

The supply of electricity in our country is very erratic and this has raised the cost of online searches.

The majority of cyber cafes in the country don't provide 24 hours service.

The computer and internet literacy is still very low in the country especially in the rural areas.

The povery in the country has not helped matter, people are basically concerned with how they feed themselves and family and not online searches.

Ogala,Raphael A.
10.OO AM


Unknown said...

1.Free websites usually do not offer substantial archives of information
2. The advantage of free based websites over free websites is that it offer high-valued information.
3. The advantage of free websites is that its free access to information.
4. A drawback of fee-based websites is that they encourage adhoc purchases of information.
5. Value added information services offer high quality information than free and fee based websites.
6. Value added information services may be expensive for an ordinary Nigerian seeking for high quality of information.
7. Value added information services enables business to make informed and effective decisions.
8. The only way to download an article from fee based sites is to submit a credit card number.
9. Much of the information business people want and need is not available on free websites.
10. Any manager making decisions based only on information that is publicly available on the web may be putting his or her enterprise at risk

Unknown said...

Information is a precious valuable tool to both private and public sector. Any individual or governmental organization in trying to achieve its aims and objectives needs information. Good information leads to good decision making when it is properly used. Information becomes worthy or a commodity that brings economic value, awareness to the society.

Because of the value of information to the society, the world move from its early stage of oral tradition into digital age through globalization of information, starting from the developed countries, leaving behind the third world countries practicing to reach that level of development.
The value of information can be seen in terms of use, material worth, or a commodity that require a price.
1. In terms of use, the value of information denotes solely an expression of how “useful” it is to the recipient. Information value is relative to utility to a decision maker. Information value is to be determine solely by the utility which the recipient feel he has.
2. The material worthy of information generated a tremendous number of users which must be put into due consideration. This has helped to increase in economic value of government and individual.
3. As a commodity, information in electronic devices can be sold or purchased in a market place. Many form of electronic information are commodities. Information has been viewed as a unique commodity in that information is not consumed in its use and thus can be exchanged as well as used many times.
4. People who have money purchase information commodities in the country, for example, software packages, computer network services etc.


1. Because of the value of information, people spend lots of money to obtain them.
2. In seeking for information, people take the risk of travelling far and wide in search of it.
3. Some information providers do not provide adequate information to users.
Shadrach Christopher Wetsam. MIM/EDU/10172/2007-2008

Murjanatu Abdulhamid said...

1- Web based information are generally gathered at random and scattered format, it’s left to the organization to sieve such information it deem useful to it.
2- The free web information do not charge for information it provide, while the fee based web offers copy righted material, as such charge certain amount of fees is expected to be paid to have access to the required information.
3- The value added services is the best form of information gathering as the information needed is narrowed to the organization needs and offers a better means of payment between the organizations to the vendors of such information
4- The value added services contains a better source of information including newswire, newspapers, from around the world, trade magazines, newsletter, investment house reports and lots more.
5- One major disadvantage of online information especially free web is that information obtain may be too large, a simple query returns hundred of thousand of information, some useful, while some are just key word in a completely different context.
6- Lack of standardization and consistency, coupled with the inability to aggregate searches makes much of the information on the free web useless
7- The anarchy for which the internet is operated is another set back in information accessing , every webmaster is free to do what he or she wants, this freedom makes finding a particular fact difficult.
8- Online information has become so popular in Nigeria with almost all organization participating in gathering information, particularly in organizations like companies and institutions.
9- Lack of proper infrastructures needed to gather or support the gathering of information is one set back in information gathering in Nigeria
10- Skill man power, ie the knowledge to use computer and its components like the internet is still very low in some part of the country in Nigeria.

Gwary, E B said...

These kinds of services are not working in Nigeria, not really because of the poor situation of the country but to the value placed on information. Once high value has been placed on information, them there will be always ways to access such services.
Some fee based information are not actually information that are scarce or difficult to find but the brokers do have means of getting such information and collating them together for the user to access, thereby saving the user valuable time that may be spent if such information are to be sought for by themselves.
I am of the opinion that certain information need not be made available for free, because do not value information they get for free, once some value in form of cash or otherwise has been placed on information, there is a higher possibility that such information will be valued, however in some environmental locations some information need to be made available for the progress and benefit of the users. A piece of information that is of value to one user may not be actually valuable to another.
Value can also be added to some information, so as to make the user make proper use of them and also as a way of sourcing for a means of lively hood by the person selling such information.
In Nigeria value has not been placed on information as compared to other countries, there is the need to have proper legislation that will make selling information very viable and laws that will protect the suppliers of such information. Some information that can be made available can expose some wrongdoing taking place somewhere and those concerned may tend to sabotage such efforts.
Finally there should be infrastructure put in place such as availability of power, research and ICT centers in various parts of the country as information service providers for revenue generation.