Thursday 3 September 2009



REG NO: MIM/EDUC/11314/2008-09

Six years after implementing the project wherby eleven(11) universities were selected as pilot centers with the hub at the National Universities Commission funded by the Education Trust Fund it is still yet to be fully fuctional.

A virtual Library provides access to databases,e-journals,alerting services,reference tools and quality vetted e-resources while a digital library can exist without a virtual library the latter cannot exist without it notwithstanding the fact that the terms electronic,digital and virtual library are used synonymously.An Electronic library consist of materials and services while a digital library consist of digital services and materials are stored,processed and transferred via digital binary devices and networks and the Virtual library consist of both digital and electronic libraries existing virtually.

With the implication on learning,teaching,research development .facilitate easy accesss to relevant information and shared global archival collection arises the need for every Nigerian University to have a virtual library which are the future of Academic library made the Nigerian Government embark on this project.Digital collections are the building blocks for a virtual library and this requires traditional skills,information web technology skills.digitization,acquisition/collection development and enabling technology.

The National Information Technolgy Development Agency implemented in April 2001 with the mission to "use information technolgy for education,creation of wealth,poverty eradication,job creation and global competitiveness" failure ,lack of fund,competent personnel,telecommunication infrastructure and stable electricity also contributed to the unsuccessful implementation of the virtual library initiatives .The Government should address these issues else the advantages associated with a virtual library will continue to elude us.

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