Thursday 10 September 2009


In my opinion, the National Virtual Library Initiative would have been handed over to the National Library of Nigeria from inception since they are the body mandated to serve as a national depository for all publications emanating from Nigerians within and outside the country. A policy would have been enacted for publishers to deposit a soft copy as well as a hard copy of their works so as to facilitate the easy take off of the virtual library initiative. Lack of political will on the part of government to put basic infrastructure in place is one of the greatest challenges inhibiting the National Virtual Library initiative, erratic power supply, ICT infrastructures and lack of continuity of government policies from one administration to the other.
The paper was well researched and the writer was able to touch on all topical issues.


Wednesday 9 September 2009


NAME: ENEMALI, Wada Celestine

Reg. No.: MIM/EDUC/10399/2008-09

Course: LIBS 883 - Online Information Industries.

Implementing a National Virtual Library for higher institutions in Nigeria is a research paper in which the researcher studied the National Library Virtual Project Initiatives in Nigeria.

The paper clears the misconceptions about what a virtual library is and differentiated it from e-library and digital library . A Virtual library is that which provides access to tools such as databases, e-journals, alerting services, e-reference and quality vetted e-resources. An e-library consist of electronic materials and services, while a digital library consist of digital services and materials that are sttored, processed and transferred via binary device and network. Virtual library consist of both digital and electonic library existing virtually. These were the distinction given by the researcher in his attempt to differentiate a virtual library from e-library and digital library. He also listed the characteristics of digital library.

The challenges of implementing a virtual library in Nigeria were discussed. Misconception of what constitute a virtual library, unavailability of the basic infrastructure, poor policy implementation and lack of web techologise skilled digital/system Librarians were identified as challenges of implementing national library virtual initiatives in Nigeria.

The roles of National Library Virtual Initiatives were listed to include improve quality of teaching and research in institution of higher learning in Nigeria, enhance access of academic libraries in the education community in Nigeria to global library and information resources amonst others.

The paper also discussed the steps in building a virtual Library. Digitization and acquisition and collection development were the steps in building a virtual library. The enabling technology for a virtual library was also highlighted. They are web-basedtechnologies, extensive markup language, cascading style sheets, PHP coding and webscripting language.

The roles of the National Information Technology, National University Commission and Academic Librarians in building a virtual library were also discussed. The issues to be handled in Nigeria before successful implementation of National Virtual library initiatives can take place were enumerated.

Finally, the researcher recommended the training of Librarians and information professionals, the use of open access software and open access electronic resources, improvement of basic infrastructure, inclusion of Librarians and information professionals in all virtual library initiatives and shift in emphasis to access rather than ownership as some of the ways forward in the imjplementation of a virtual library initiatives in Nigeria.


The paper does not comment on the issues of renumerations and other allowances for the members of the National Virtual Project at the National Universities Commission; were they adequately compensated for the job?

Another issue to be tackled is the issue of lack of understanding among the members of the project. Investigations need to be done on how members were selected to know their capabilities, intersts and political inclinations to avoid repetition of any mistake that could lead to any failure at the National Library.

Lastly, the writer tends to compare what is obtainable in the developed countries, like USA, to that of Nigeria. Nigeria needs time to get to where the developed countries are today.

Posted by Enemali, Wada Celestine.

Thursday 3 September 2009



REG NO: MIM/EDUC/11314/2008-09

Six years after implementing the project wherby eleven(11) universities were selected as pilot centers with the hub at the National Universities Commission funded by the Education Trust Fund it is still yet to be fully fuctional.

A virtual Library provides access to databases,e-journals,alerting services,reference tools and quality vetted e-resources while a digital library can exist without a virtual library the latter cannot exist without it notwithstanding the fact that the terms electronic,digital and virtual library are used synonymously.An Electronic library consist of materials and services while a digital library consist of digital services and materials are stored,processed and transferred via digital binary devices and networks and the Virtual library consist of both digital and electronic libraries existing virtually.

With the implication on learning,teaching,research development .facilitate easy accesss to relevant information and shared global archival collection arises the need for every Nigerian University to have a virtual library which are the future of Academic library made the Nigerian Government embark on this project.Digital collections are the building blocks for a virtual library and this requires traditional skills,information web technology skills.digitization,acquisition/collection development and enabling technology.

The National Information Technolgy Development Agency implemented in April 2001 with the mission to "use information technolgy for education,creation of wealth,poverty eradication,job creation and global competitiveness" failure ,lack of fund,competent personnel,telecommunication infrastructure and stable electricity also contributed to the unsuccessful implementation of the virtual library initiatives .The Government should address these issues else the advantages associated with a virtual library will continue to elude us.

Implementing a National and Virtual Library for Higher Institutions in Nigeria

NAME: Julius A. Ogar
REG. NO: MIM/EDUC/10079/2008-09
SUMMARY OF THE ARTICLE: Implementing a National and Virtual Library for Higher Institutions in Nigeria.
The Virtual Library Project is meant to guarantee access to databases, electronic journals, alerting services, online reference tools, etc, in order to improve the quality of teaching and research. Its implementation in Nigeria has been hampered by poor policy implementation, lack of basic information technology infrastructure and the lack of skilled personnel. This is despite the effort by the Federal Government to enact relevant information and communication technology policies to facilitate easy access to learning, teaching and research.
A virtual library can address the shortage of research and learning materials in Nigerian universities through facilitating an easy interchange between Nigerian scholars and their foreign counterparts via e-books, journals and other sources. The benefits lie in the enhancement of scholarship and access to ‘shared global virtual archival collections.
But since January 2002 when the Nigeria National Virtual Library Project was initiated, it is yet to fully commence in any of the universities earmarked for the pilot phase. Also, the establishment of the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) which would have made possible the take off of the virtual library project has not had any appreciable impact. This, coupled with variables such as political and economic instability, political apathy and lack of policy implementation have slowed down the growth of the national information and communications policy and with it, the virtual library project.
To reverse this, the government must:
a. Improve basic information and communications infrastructure such as electricity and telecommunications;
b. Equip librarians and information professionals with the requisite skills to build the virtual library;
c. Address the cost of information resources and ease access to them;
d. Furnish universities with enabling technologies and provide grants to libraries;
e. Shift emphasis on technological resources from ownership to access.
It is obvious that virtual libraries are the future of academic libraries. But lack of infrastructure and poor funding are curtailing access and this negatively impacts on research and development as well as on the advancement of society generally.

This work basically highlights the implications on learning, research and development of the inability of government to stock libraries in academic institutions with relevant information resources. The author approaches the issue of virtual libraries with informed analysis and experience, arguing that they are critical to the growth and efficiency of research and development. He however notes that the Nigeria National Virtual Library Project approved in January 2002 with the National Universities Commission as its hub, has been in existence.
The article also avails the reader of the distinctions between virtual, digital and electronic libraries all of which tend to be confused—one with the other. This clarification is useful for researchers and students alike.
However, in highlighting the challenges facing virtual libraries, the author does not spell out a defined role for the private sector. This is against the reality that in Nigeria, the emerging information industry is substantially private sector driven even though there are dominant public sector players besides the fact that the sector is government regulated.
It is also a fact that most Nigerian universities are public-owned, making it obligatory for the government to fund and equip them. But the role of private-public partnership (PPP), in this instance, cannot be overlooked. The author could therefore make a case for institutions like banks and oil companies to invest in the development of virtual libraries.
It is the candid opinion of this reviewer that the article is rich in intellectual content and pioneering. It is pioneering because in the typical Nigerian academic environment, researches on online and virtual libraries are relatively few and quite a lot are shallow in content.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Summary of the Paper: Provision of Online Information Services in Nigerian Academic Libraries.

Name: Nwobu, O. E.
Course: Online Information Industry.
Number: MIM/EDUC/00444/2008-09.

Summary of the Paper: Provision of Online Information Services in Nigerian Academic Libraries.
By Ezra Shiloba Gbaje

The paper is about Online Information Services in the Nigerian Academic libraries. The digital age has brought about a completely different way of providing library services resulting to the development of new services. The author used qualitative research method to examine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of online information services in Nigeria Academic library. It was find out that shortage of web technologies, skilled librarians, and poor information technology infrastructure and high cost of equipment has hindered the Nigerian Academic Libraries from providing online information services.
Librarians has tried as much as possible to mediate between the source mind and clientele mind, but with the provision of online information, it will help or enable them to have access to information they could not readily get before, this has lead many to question the mediating role of the Librarian. The question is, what is the authority and source of the information. It has once again set to play host to thousands of information professionals, information end-users and publishers from around the globe, meeting suppliers of on line content, e-publishing and library management solutions.
The paper also told us according to Aderson (1996) the emerging roles of a librarian in a digital environment which includes:
- Selecting electronic resources and evaluating their quality.
- Developing expeditions and effective locator tools to make the complex web of resources more readily accessible to both sophisticated and naïve users etc.
They use websites /portals to attain to their patrons, in that when some patrons continue to make use of internet, librarians will use websites/portals as a means to facilitate access to specific internet and other digital resources. Academic Libraries should primarily offers a high quality vetted internet search engine links, Open Access databases and journals, user guides/help sheets and Information Literacy instructions on their websites because they are know for accurate information provider.
They provide reference services to their patrons too, where an online information request forms will be on the web and through email too, this enable students to ask questions from their computers though a times it will not provide immediate reply or allow reference interview techniques to be employed easily. But, it was noticed that Librarians were not given a successful answer to their patrons, and that leads to the use of reference application like Web Contact Center Software, to provide online chat where patrons can get an instant response from the reference Librarian and enable users and librarians to look at and work with the same online source simultaneously. Digital reference services using email, web forms or video conferencing has been tested and implemented in a number of academic libraries. On line reservation and renewal of library materials is becoming part and parcel of library automation systems, especially in the new generation of Web-based system that replaced the older traditional standalone proprietary library systems. Online document delivery services requests with credit card payments are potential new services to better serve the needs of academic users.
One can say, that online information services is essential service in Nigeria Academic Libraries, but some factors has made it not to be effective or function very well. The vast majority of people seek free information on the web, but most important sources are not available for free on the web. And because searches on the web cannot be aggregated, finding useful information is difficult and time –consuming. Even the “free” information on the web actually comes at substantial cost to the patrons or those seeking for it in terms of hours spent for information. Another challenging facing academic library in the networked online environment is to exploit all forms of digital and telecommunication technologies and find new ways and means to provide feasible forms of collections, services and access to library materials.
As said earlier, Lack of web technology skilled staff, Lack of funds, Lack of basic Information Infrastructure (Internet Access, Electricity, and Web server), Limits of Network Bandwidth and Slow Transmission are most of the things hindering on line information services in Nigerian Academic Library. According to the author, even when some of these problems were there, it was also observed that some of the Library websites were designed, developed and maintained by people outside the library and by non-professional as well.
The author, has done a thorough research because all most all the Academic libraries in our country is suffering the same plight except in the developed countries where we have constant power supply and all the infrastructure to make the online information services effectively. Already, many Academic libraries provide internet access, and some have uploaded their websites on the internet. How ever, they are yet to move their services online and provide remote access to digital resources.
All the factors mentioned before that militate against libraries providing online services should be addressed, Library schools must review their curriculum to reflect the need in the work field and also Heads of libraries must invest in the retraining of their staff, by providing sponsorships to attend workshops and conferences organized by their professionals. The use of open source, open access databases, journals, and free web based resources should not be neglected as it will go a long way to solve the problems.

Summary of the Paper: Implementing a National Virtual Library for Higher Institutions in Nigeria.

Name: Nwobu, O. E.
Course: LIBS 883 - Online Information Industry
Number: MIM/EDUC/00444/2008-09

Summary of the Paper: Implementing a National Virtual Library for Higher Institutions in Nigeria.
By Ezra Shiloba Gbaje

The purpose of a Virtual Library is to support learning and acquisition of Knowledge, to provide a more solid basis for education and to enhance quality of life by drawing on digitally available (preferably on-line) books, materials and journals via ICT –based tools. A virtual Library provides remote (on-line or CD- Rom based) access to a variety of national and international content (e.g. curricula, learning materials, books, journals, magazines, newspapers) services traditionally offered by libraries and other information source. Virtual Library thus, combine on- site collections of materials in electronic format with an electronic network which ensure access to and delivery of those materials. Virtual Library then, is an interactive environment where people can access information and share information with one another.
Following a request by the President of Nigeria during the 31st General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in October 2001, the organization agreed to refocus its Special Plan Action programme for Nigeria towards establishing a Virtual Library for higher education institutions. The idea was that given the low capacity of the higher institutions to stock their libraries with relevant books and literature, it was imperative to exploit information and communication technologies (ICTs) to provide solution to this problem. This change was also necessitated by the report of the earlier mission of the Special Plan of Action, which identified the need for virtual library test bed as urgent and important in addressing the crisis of quality of education in the country.
The virtual library is an opportunity to address the paucity of teaching and research materials in the libraries of institutions of higher education in the country. It would also allow the institutions and local researchers to share their own research outputs with the global community. It would also ensure the preservation of our cultural heritages in a more durable form. To kick start the effort at establishing the virtual library, UNESCO and Nigeria got a funding from the Japanese Fund in Trust to conduct a Feasibility Study for the virtual library in Nigeria. This Feasibility Study commenced with a study mission from UNESCO Headquarters to the country in September 2002. The mission held discussion with various organizations in the country and established a firm commitment on the need for the virtual library. It also recruited a National Professional Officer (NPO) who is to coordinate the Feasibility Study in the country. To its credit, rather than commissioned consultants to undertake the Feasibility Study, UNESCO decided to involve the various stakeholders and professionals in a participatory approach to develop the content of the study. Thus, it brought together the various stakeholders in a workshop to deliberate and write the content of the feasibility report. The workshop, which held from the 25th to 29th August at the Conference Hall of the NIT, Kaduna was attended by representatives from all the sectors of the tertiary institutions, libraries and IT professionals, educational administrators as well as IT companies that are operating in the electronic library sector. There were also representatives of donor organizations such as the Mac Arthur Foundation, which has been funding support on IT capacity in four universities in the country, the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA), which has electronic database subscriptions for many libraries in the country and the US Public Information System.
Working through eight syndicate groups, the workshop produced an eight-chapter document covering various aspects of the virtual library. These include infrastructure and connectivity, content management, capacity building and funding and sustainability and growth. Others were administration and management, legal, copyright and payment issues, implementation plan and costing as well as funding sources.
But unfortunately, years after the National Virtual Library Project was initiated and despite all the achievement enumerated by NUC and the series of training, workshops, none of the University pilot centers for the first phase of this project has begun its operation which is now funded by the Education Trust Fund (ETF) with researcher sought to view some of the problems that had hindered the development of the national virtual library. It identify that some of the problems are from members of the team in the project, they cited lack of Funds, Lack of competent personnel with the technical knowhow of virtual library and lack of local resources for digitization.
For a way forward, Librarians with web technology skills will be required to facilitate skilled information retrieval, and to intervene between the user and the information to help users evaluate what they retrieve. The selection of materials for the virtual Library is the sole responsibility of the Librarian. The government must make a deliberate effort to provide funds for policy implementation, provide necessary technology training for Librarians, and develop national information infrastructure or else the advantages associated with virtual library will continue to elude us.