Tuesday 18 August 2009


The virtual library concept which was conceptualized to ease the access of learning and teaching of digitalized databases, encyclopedia, historical and current events has been a success in many countries. But in Nigeria where the National Universities Commission (NUC) has been championing the course the initiative still remains a mirage and this is due to:
1. Funds
2. Lack of planning
3. Government attitude to education

But before we go further let us look at the various means/technologies that will be needed to implement this virtual library concept.
The technology to get a virtual library going is already here available (i.e. languages like HTML, XML) databases that include Oracle, My SQL. Networking protocols like IP (versions 4 & 6), UDP. The challenge here is getting these technologies together, which is not a problem in developed countries, but in developing countries like Nigeria this posses quite a challenge.
which brings us back to the problems and why the virtual library project may take time before it comes on board or may never take off at all even with the efforts of the National Universities Commission (NUC)/ Nigerian Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) in organizing workshops, sensitization and implementation of new technologies.
Funds: over the year Government has refused to implement the United Nations recommendation that Education has take at least 20% of the nation’s annual budget. These funds are needed to put in place the infrastructure and train personnel.
Lack of Planning: even the little funds that the government budgets for education yearly is poorly planned for, for instance there is no need to start building new physical structures when the ones in place have not even been renovated or buying furniture when there are no classroom to put them in.
Government attitude to education: over the years strikes in the academia has been a common phenomenon because the government has shown time and time again that it cannot be trusted to fulfill agreements signed by its representatives, this is added to the fact that even when the government budgets monies for the education sector not all of the funds are realized to the sector. so this causes the sector to only pay personnel costs only and not being able to undertake any research work, physical development, training & re-training etc.

The way forward is simply; government in Nigerian must show more serious in the virtual library project, commit resources, train the right personnel, put in place the infrastructure and give the National Universities Commission the necessary legal backing in order for it to carry out its functions

Shehu Mohammed

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